$50.00 USD

Your First Paying Clients

Do you dream of becoming a successful coach, helping others achieve their goals, and living your passion?

If you're just starting out on this exciting journey, or if you're contemplating a career in coaching, we've got your back.

Our program, "Your First Paying Clients," is designed to guide you through the crucial steps to kickstart your coaching career and take it to new heights.

What you’ll get:

  • A simple easy to implement path to signing your first paying coaching clients without having to build a website
  • How to design your very first pilot coaching package specifically created for the kind of clients you would love to work with 24/7. Without the worry that they might not want it. 
  • Learn how to sign your first coaching clients without having to be everywhere and overwhelmed on social media. 
  • 10 audios with step-by-step instructions.


  • Learn common sticking points new coaches experience and how to manage them
  • Avoid wasting time, energy, and money on a fancy website that no one sees.
  • Comes with a BONUS 34-page guidebook that you can print and use starting from day one!