Create Clarity, Confidence and
Sign More Clients.


I know what it’s like to dream of becoming a successful coach and still struggle to sign clients. It can leave you feeling confused, overwhelmed or filled with self-doubt.


You’ve probably watched webinars, lurked in Facebook Groups, signed up for the Free Challenges. And I bet you’ve even taken some digital courses and a couple of extra certifications all with the goal of becoming a fully booked, in-demand thriving coach.  I guess you’ve read all the freebies you can get your hands on, listened to the podcasts and tried to piece it together from the gurus on YouTube.  


Maybe your friends and family just don’t understand why you want this. They’ve even asked, “Why would you want to be a coach anyway?”


Are you confused about what to do next, how to sign paying clients or even how to get started?

Or maybe you’ve tried all the things and can’t figure out what you’re missing and now you’ve started to secretly suspect there’s something wrong with you. Don't worry there's nothing wrong with you, it takes skill and working with a mentor to build a profitable coaching business.


I know you’re smart, ambitious, and motivated, and more than anything you want to sign clients and make a positive impact.

If this sounds like you…


Here's How I Can Help

What Clients Are Saying...

“During our sessions, I finally get the time to work on me and have someone in my corner always reminding me of the good things I’ve done – like most I focus on what I’ve done wrong or missed, and you always help me focus on what makes me special which encourages me to stay positive and work on the things I have control over.  You constantly assure me it's okay to be myself and that I am awesome.”

Avonne T.

“Candy was super fantastic!  She was very open, frank yet sensitive. I enjoyed every session (and always looked forward to the sessions). Most importantly, the interactions, activities, and resources were extremely helpful in supporting me to navigate and getting me unstuck in my career. Because of the experience, I now have so much clarity of purpose and feel so empowered. ”

Kagiso P.

"Candy is a pleasure to work with. She has a wealth of knowledge and is beaming with energy. She has a passion for what she does and strives to see you, her client, succeed. She brings professionalism in sharing information. At the end of our calls, I always loved how she left me with concrete information. If you are in a position to take your coaching business to the next level, I recommend you reach out to Candy, together you can set out clear action plans.

Danielle S.

Read More Reviews

Hey, I  know you’ve already downloaded the freebies and taken the masterclasses, you’ve tried learning from the flashy gurus.


Here’s the thing.


More information does not create transformation. And it certainly doesn't help you reach your goals in the fastest way possible.


You’re smart, you’re ambitious and you’re motivated.


If this sounds like you.

We Should Talk.  


Most of us need someone by our side to help clear our heads, remind us how powerful and capable we really are and to figure out how to quiet the voice of our inner critic.

You CAN do this.

 You are far more capable than you know.

Let's Get Started

 Here Are 3 Ways We Can Work Together

Yes, there are payment plans available (up to 24 months, no interest on select packages)

NEW: Nail Your Niche: 90-Minute Private Strategy Session

Feeling stuck and overwhelmed with choosing your coaching niche? You’re not alone, this is a common sticking point — many coaches face this challenge. 

Join me for a transformative 90-minute private strategy session where we’ll roll up our sleeves and get to work selecting and designing your unique niche. 

Investment is $500  $397

Learn More

Coaching Success Circle 

It’s a small group where we cover step-by-step business-building skills and boost your confidence. You’ll get clear on your message and mission and be motivated and inspired all in a tight-knit supportive community. You'll learn how to sign clients and make money in the most effective way possible and to reach your goals of becoming a thriving coach.

Learn and implement everything you need to go from start-up to fully booked.

Learn More

VIP Private Coaching 

Launching and growing a highly successful coaching business doesn't happen by accident.  You want to work with a proven business mentor and not waste any of your time or energy. I have years of experience and worked with hundreds of clients leveraging my proven framework and strategies.

You're ready for private mentoring to build your profitable coaching business in a high-touch environment where we focus only on you and your needs.

Next steps, apply below and answer a few questions. Let's make sure we're a good fit. Limited space available.

Learn More

I'm Candy,

The Coach for Coaches. Along the way, I've also become a best-selling author, and top podcast host of the show She Coaches Coaches.  I help ambitious coaches go from start-up to fully booked.

Coaching transforms lives and I believe being a coach is a calling. I help coaches like YOU get unstuck & feel more confident so you can play bigger, sign clients & create more meaningful success.

As a 'recovering' corporate executive & engineer I know that even though the world might put you in a box, It doesn't mean you have to stay there. It's time to break free and start living the fulfilling life you desire.

Let's Get Started